Saturday, February 11, 2017

Part Time Work

I know many Americans are worried about finances and many wonder if there is more enjoyment to work than what they have at their present job. I am here to say YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you are looking for a fun way to earn some money, you should consider Pink Zebra. With this company, you can earn money while having fun. How many people love fragrances? Just about everyone! I find that our products offer something for everyone. That makes it an easy sell. Plus, our company stands for some great principles that I am often talking about more than I am the products.

Pink Zebra has a HEROES program. It is the one that I am most passionate about because it offers free daycare for single moms. There is an application process for the women, but the money is set aside from profit made by the company. Each time a Pink Zebra Consultant has a $500 or more party, a day of daycare cost is put into the fund. We currently have a buildup of daycare costs than can be awarded. I think that this is a wonderful way to offer a hand up to single moms.

Pink Zebra offers an opportunity to earn free trips to beautiful and exciting locations. This years trip is to Panama. Last year it was Costa Rica! The resorts or hotels are always stunning and the trips are always such a fun time. How exciting would it be to take a second honeymoon FREE!!!!!

Plus, you would be having fun while you are working! You can learn more by clicking on the link at Pink Zebra

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